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Conducting a Geohazard Assessment (GAR) for a geotechnical engineering project.


A Geohazard Assessment (GAR) is an investigation into the geological and geotechnical aspects of a site. It is conducted by an engineer who will assess the hazards associated with the location, as well as recommend measures to mitigate those risks.

An EGGAR can be used in many ways: it may be requested by a client or developer when planning new projects; it may be required by law for certain developments (like building sites); or it might simply be part of good business practice for industries that deal with excavation and construction (such as mining).

Field team conducting a Geohazard Assessment.
Field team conducting a Geohazard Assessment.

The Purpose of a Geohazard Assessment (GAR)

An Engineering Geology & Geohazard Assessment (EGGAR) is a report that helps you determine the potential for geohazards to occur, how severe they could be, and what the consequences might be. A geohazard is any natural phenomenon that poses a threat to people or property.

A GAR can help you:

  • Determine the extent of geohazards that are likely to occur in your community or region.

  • Identify potential consequences associated with each type of hazard identified during an assessment.

  • Create a plan to mitigate the risks associated with geohazards.

Conducting an Engineering Geology & Geohazard Assessment (EGGAR)

Conducting an engineering geology and geohazard assessment (EGGAR) is a detailed investigation of the site's geology and geohazards. This may be required by your local code authority, or you might want to conduct one as part of your own due diligence process while purchasing property.

The steps involved in performing an EGGAR are as follows:

  • Review existing information about the site or area being evaluated.

  • Conduct field investigations on-site (if possible).

  • Identify potential sources of rockfall hazards within this area; identify areas where erosion is occurring and determine if any landforms have been altered by human activities such as mining operations or construction projects.

  • Conduct field observations and measurements to identify possible causes of slope failure.

  • Examine past rockfalls and their frequency, as well a possible cause.

  • Evaluate the rockfall hazards posed by the project site and develop a plan for mitigating those risks.

Geohazard Assessment and Geotechnical Engineering.

Geohazard assessment and geotechnical engineering are closely related fields. The former deals with the assessment of geohazards, while the latter focuses on improving and maintaining the stability of earth structures. Geotechnical engineers often conduct geohazard assessments as part of their projects, so it's important to know how these two disciplines intersect.

A geotechnical engineer would work on any type of construction project that involved soil or rock materials: Roads, Bridges and Tunnels; Dams; Open pit or Underground Mining operations and Quarry sites. In addition to designing new structures and ensuring their stability, they also ensure existing infrastructure remains functional through maintenance programs. In areas where earthquakes or floods have occurred, there may be high risk factors—due to previous events involving similar circumstances happening nearby before then which caused damage elsewhere in the area.

Group of people inside a vehicle for travelling to project site.
Field Team Travellling to site for Geohazard Analysis

Geotechnical Engineering projects for geohazard assessment.

Geohazards can include earthquakes, landslides, and flooding. Geotechnical engineers are in high demand in these areas, as they provide a vital service to local communities by assessing the risks posed by geohazards and working out how best to mitigate them.

Geotechnical engineering projects are generally divided into three categories:

  • Geotechnical investigations (i.e., conducting soil and rock testing, etc.)

  • Geotechnical design and construction services (i.e., designing and building foundations and retaining walls).

  • Geotechnical modelling of civil structures such as liquefactions and slope stability models.


The Engineering Geology & Geohazard Assessment (EGGAR) is an important part of the engineering process. EGGAR helps to identify and mitigate geohazards, which may be natural or man-made. The results of an EGGAR can be used to support a design, provide input into planning processes, or inform decision making. You should be aware of the hazards that are present on a construction site before starting work so you can take appropriate precautions.

Geotechnical engineering is concerned with the properties of rock and soil as they relate to structures such as buildings, dams, and bridges. It is important to have knowledge about the physical properties, chemical composition, and state of water in any given sample, their formation processes, behaviors under different loading conditions and how they interact with other materials present within them such as clays or gravels.

Our team conducts Geohazard assessment for geotechnical engineering projects. If you find this information useful, please share it on Facebook or LinkedIn—other people might be interested in learning about our work!

We also answer questions about other aspects of soil testing, geophysical surveys, and environmental management. Just leave us a message!


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